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Instagram Top New Features are available now on this popular social media. As we all know, Instagram is updating their app really often and there is always something new. Sometimes we can’t even follow the new “trends” and cool features they are offering. Today we are going to show you the newest Instagram update features in 2022. Pay attention – you are going to use them every day from now on.

Reels Are Worldwide

One of the new updates is that your reels from now on can be seen by a lot more people than before. Up until now, those reels were able to be seen only in some counties like in the US, India, Mexico, and Canada.

Instagram Top New Features:

From now on they are available worldwide. You also have the option to share the reels from Instagram to Facebook, which is a good way to spread it and increase your followers and views.

Private Story Likes

This new feature drop on Valentine’s day this year, it is a heart on your bottom right corner on the story of the person that you follow. Now you can like someone’s story without sending them a DM message or without leaving any notifications.  They will have the information on who liked their stories will be right next to all the viewers of the Instagram story.

Instagram Top New Features:

A new way to confirm identity

Another new feature is the new way to confirm identity for lost accounts. If you have lost access to your account then you definitely want to hear about this. Instagram announced that they are testing a way for people to ask their friends to confirm their identity and help them regain access.

Instagram Top New Features:

 Those friends will go through a verification process to confirm that you are the person you claim you are. Next, once that process is done, you will be able to set a new password and you can have your account back. So, this option hasn’t happened yet but we can surely expect it in the near future.

Chronological feed

This new feature that a lot of people are exciting about is officially announced by Instagram and is definitely coming, they just didn’t announce the official date of release. This option will offer people the option when selected to see posts from people they follow in chronological order. Here is what they wrote:

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