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High temperatures are the silent killer of modern electronics. Overheated smartphones run the risk of losing performance, data loss, damage to electronic components, and battery degradation in the long run.

Smartphones of today have enough computing power and versatility to compare them to laptops of a few years ago. Even more surprising, however, is that the manufacturers manage to fit it into an extremely small housing.

Stop Your Phone From Overheating

Aware that temperature can be a big deal, they equip their phones with water cooling, heat dissipation slots, and layers that successfully dissipate heat. Despite all their efforts, it can happen at any time that your smartphone starts to overheat.

This is affected by internal factors such as a deficient cooling system, intensive applications running in the background, and external factors such as high outside temperatures, phone cases, and the like.

Stop Your Phone From Overheating

Here are some simple tips and tricks to stop your phone from overheating. So, keep reading and prevent unwanted overheating of your smartphone.

Phone cases may interfere with cooling

There are dozens of different covers for each phone. Some may not be designed to protect your phone without hindering its cooling. If you notice that your smartphone is overheating and you have eliminated all the above factors, remove the phone cover and observe its condition.

Don’t leave your phone in the car

Even if the outside temperature is around 25 ° C (it will certainly be much higher in the summer), the situation inside the car is much worse. This is dangerous for both pets and electronics, which are extremely sensitive to such high temperatures.

Therefore, it is not recommended to leave the phone in the car, especially in the hot summer months.

Don’t let your smartphone in direct sunlight

Just as it is hot for us if we are directly exposed to sunlight, so it is with the phone. Unlike phones, humans are able to regulate their body temperature through sweating. The phones rely on an internal cooling system that already has its hands full with cooling smartphone components.

Stop Your Phone From Overheating

The situation can be even worse if the phone is charged directly in sunlight. The combination of warm sunlight and heat generated while charging can cause serious long-term damage to some components of the smartphone.

Defective or damaged battery, cable or charger

This is actually a very serious flaw that can lead to serious consequences. Third party batteries of untested quality, damaged cables and chargers can dangerously heat up smartphones. Not all chargers are made to the same level of quality, so be careful to buy only proven products.

Physical damage to the battery means that it cannot withstand the load when charging or in use. You’ve probably heard of the phone exploding, most likely due to physical damage or damage to the charger.

Stop Your Phone From Overheating

We also recommend that you do not charge your mobile phone while you sleep, as you will not be able to detect serious overheating problems. Also, do not charge your phone under a pillow or in any place that may interfere with heat dissipation.

Close applications that you don’t use

Smartphones have enough power to perform multiple tasks at once, which means we can quickly forget how many apps are running in the background. Some of these may consume more power than usual, which may help warm up the phone.

So, to stop your phone from overheating, go to phone settings, in the Battery section, you can check which phones consume the most power on most phones and decide if you actually need them. This will greatly reduce the load on your smartphone.

We hope these tips will be helpful for you.

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