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Improve your Google searches by using some of the tips we will talk about in this article. But first, let us say a few words about Google. Google is a global phenomenon, responsible for more than 80% of global web searches or billions of searches per day. With its popularity, it also provoked the formation of the verb “google”. Google can show you almost any information in an instant, from weather, translation, and word definition to directions and more.

Even though you use the most popular search engine every day, you probably don’t know much about it. We’ve put together some tips to help you improve your Google searches.

Improve your google searches with search operators

Google’s search algorithm is extremely adept at retrieving the information you’re looking for. However, in a more detailed search, you will sometimes come across scenarios when you simply will not find what you need. There are, however, a few ways or t. i. search operators to help you improve your search results.

Use quotation marks (““) to find exact phrases. If you search for 2022 smartphones, you will get results that contain all of these words, but not necessarily in that order. By adding quotes, you will only get results that include all of these words in that order.

Improve Your Google Searches

Exclude words that you don’t want to appear during the search with a minus sign (-). For example, “best android apps” for search results that take away links on the page where they describe the best apps for Android devices.

Insert two dots (..) between the range search numbers. To narrow the results to a date or price range, use two dots between the numbers. You may be looking for a computer in a certain price range, “gaming computer $ 500 .. $ 1000”, and you will get results that match that range.

You can also limit the results to a specific site. Enter the desired phrase and add at the end: the name of the website you want to include in the search. You must also include the domain of the website (.com, .eu…)

Google Advanced Search

Maybe you don’t have the will or desire to learn all the given search operators by heart? In this case, you can use Google Advanced Search. On the Google results page, click the gear icon and select Advanced Search to open a new subpage.

Improve Your Google Searches

In Advanced Search, you can enter keywords or phrases in dedicated fields instead of relying on specific operators. You can further filter the results by language, region, last update, domain, expression location, explicit content, file type, and more. Image search can also be sorted by image size, page aspect ratio, color, and image type.

Set time limits

Are you just looking for the latest news on a particular topic or trying to find information relevant to a particular time frame? Use Google search tools to filter your results. Below the search bar, click the Tools tab. From the newly displayed tools, select Anytime and limit the time frame to the desired value (past hour, day, week, month (). You can also select a custom time period.

Improve Your Google Searches

Google Image Search

Also, you can improve your Google searches by using image search. Google supports “reverse” search in most browsers. This feature allows you to upload an image file and search for information about this photo. For example, if you upload an image of the National Gallery, Google will recognize it and provide you with information. It also works with faces and can direct you to sites where the image is displayed, identify the artwork, or show you visually similar images.

Go to Google Images, and drag and drop the image into the search bar. You can also click the camera icon to upload an image or enter an image URL.

Improve Your Google Searches With Hidden Points

Developers also love to have fun, and Google hides many hidden search-related attractions.

Enter “answer to life, space, and everything” in the search bar, and Google will give you the answer to the eternal question. The answer will surprise you.

Enter “Askew” and the screen will tilt slightly.

Use “Blink HTML”. Both words will flash in the search results.

With the search term “Do a barrel roll”, your screen will rotate 360 °.

If you enter “Wordle”, Google will emulate the game’s current global hit and turn its logo into word animation.

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